Stock Analyst GPT

Stock Analyst GPT: Your Guide to the Magnificent 7’s Stocks

In the ever-evolving world of stock investments, staying ahead with precise, timely, and insightful information is the key to success. For those interested in the technology and innovation sector, the need for expert analysis becomes even more crucial.

Top UK tech companies

Top 20 largest UK tech companies – January 2023

A critical engine of growth for the future of the UK, the Technology sector attracts all British attention. Spanning various sub-sectors this curated list of the 20 British tech leaders in offers a panoramic view of the technology sector’s diversity and potential in the UK.

Top US tech companies

Top 30 largest US tech companies – January 2023

The largest US Technology companies are at the forefront of the world’s activity, business, and daily consumer habits. This comprehensive list of the top 30 US companies reveals the current business landscape and the top industries leading America and the world forward.

Working with ChatGPT

Working with ChatGPT: Lessons Learned & Best Practices

Over the past 31 days, ChatGPT has been used with the mission to boost the activities of Disfold across multiple dimensions. This blog post shares the most valuable takeaways and best practices for working with ChatGPT, drawing on the insights from this highly productive month.

Top UK tech companies

Top 20 largest UK tech companies 2021

The technology sector is of critical interest in the United Kingdom, as the country’s future growth greatly depends on it. IT and communications companies are at the heart of innovation, rapidly changing people’s lives and transforming business, finance, and the broader economy.

Top US tech companies

Top 30 largest US tech companies 2021

The technology sector is the economic star of the United States, leading the country’s growth as well as its financial markets. IT and communications companies are at the heart of innovation, rapidly changing people’s lives and transforming business, finance, and the broader economy.

Top Fintech startups in the world

World Top 30 best-funded Fintech startups 2020

Fintech startups are on a quest to revolutionize finance and how people and businesses use and manage their money. By tackling financial problems and needs, Fintech startups are challenging banks and other financial companies through innovation across multiple financial segments and industries.

Top AI startups in the world

World Top 30 best-funded AI startups 2020

Artificial Intelligence – AI – is currently among the most disruptive technologies, and a great means for startups to achieve their hyper-growth targets. With a number of applications in big data, computer vision, natural language processing, and more, AI is revolutionizing businesses, industries, and people’s lives.