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A wholesaler is a business or individual that buys goods in bulk from manufacturers or suppliers and then sells them in smaller quantities to retailers or other businesses, rather than directly to consumers.

Definition of Wholesaler

A wholesaler functions as an intermediary in the supply chain between manufacturers and retailers, often purchasing large quantities to benefit from discounts and then distributing these products to various sellers.

Functions of a Wholesaler

Wholesalers play several important roles in the distribution of goods:

  • Bulk Purchasing: Wholesalers buy large quantities of products, which allows them to negotiate better prices with manufacturers.
  • Storage: They often maintain warehouses to store inventory, ensuring that retail businesses have a steady supply of products.
  • Transportation: Wholesalers manage the logistics of transporting goods from manufacturers to retailers, which can save time and reduce costs.
  • Risk Management: By holding inventory, wholesalers take on some of the risk associated with unsold products.
  • Market Knowledge: They often have insights into market trends and consumer demand, which can be valuable to retailers.

Example of a Wholesaler

Consider a wholesaler that specializes in selling electronic goods. This wholesaler purchases bulk quantities of televisions from various manufacturers at discounted rates. They then sell these televisions in smaller quantities to retail stores.

For instance, if the wholesaler buys 1,000 televisions at $300 each from the manufacturer, the total cost would be:

Total Cost = Quantity * Price per TV
Total Cost = 1,000 * 300 = $300,000

The wholesaler might then sell each television to a retailer for $400. If the wholesaler sells all 1,000 televisions at this price, the revenue generated would be:

Total Revenue = Quantity * Selling Price per TV
Total Revenue = 1,000 * 400 = $400,000

To calculate the profit made by the wholesaler, we subtract the total cost from the total revenue:

Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
Profit = 400,000 – 300,000 = $100,000

In this example, the wholesaler makes a profit of $100,000 by acting as the middleman between the manufacturer and the retailer.